7 Amazing Uses For Aloe Vera

Others believe aloe vera can help to maintain normal blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. However, ingesting aloe latex can cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea, potassium deficiency, and kidney damage if taken improperly, according to the Mayo Clinic. Consult your doctor before using aloe latex as a laxative.

Other studies have not found similar results and research results on aloe's use in treating RID remain mixed. There is no evidence that oral aloe vera has any effect on people with RID. A 2012 review of studies from Australia looked at seven clinical trials investigating the use of aloe in treating burns, skin biopsies, and irritation after surgery to treat hemorrhoids. The researchers could find no evidence that aloe aids in the healing of acute or chronic wounds. In a past study, 90 people with diabetes who were not dependent on insulin received either 100 milligrams of aloe vera gel powder, 200 mg of aloe vera gel powder, or no treatment for three months. The aloe vera groups also received nutritional counseling.

Additionally, Obukowho notes that consumers often forget that hair is dead. If you're looking to heal dandruff or other scalp issues, improve hair growth and boost the overall health of your hair, a product needs to be used directly on the scalp. For example, while aloe an aloe vera-based conditioner may help moisturize your hair, you won't reap the anti-inflammatory benefits or see longer strands.

Bosley C, Smith J, Baratti P. A phase III trial comparing an anionic phospholipid-based cream and aloe vera-based gel in the prevention and treatment of radiation dermatitis. Su K, Mehta V, Ravikumar L, Shah R, Pinto H, Halpern J, et al. Phase II double-blind randomized study comparing oral aloe vera versus placebo to prevent radiation-related mucositis in patients with head-and-neck neoplasms. Visuthikosol V, Chowchuen B, Sukwanarat Y, Sriurairatana S, Boonpucknavig V. Effect of aloe vera gel to healing of burn wound a clinical and historic study. If you choose either an oral form of aloe vera or one applied to the skin, choose a reputable brand. Make sure to speak with a healthcare provider first so that you avoid side effects or drug interactions.

After 30 days, the aloe vera–based mouthwash was as effective in reducing gingival bleeding and plaque as the chlorhexidine mouthwash when compared with the placebo group. To be clear, aloe vera is no substitute for exercise, healthy eating, and medication — all of which can help to reduce high blood pressure, per the AHA. But it might offer some benefit as a complementary therapy. The Clean 9 is a 9-day detox diet claimed to cause fast weight loss. It is based on meal replacement shakes and weight loss supplements.

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